Danny Lee Lives

Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Print is Not Dead"

New The Hundreds spot I just wrote & directed. Features Tal Cooperman of DCMA as the anti-digital print reader. Thanks as always for watching..

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Complete Alternate Past of the Future of Going Back

Never knew Eric Stoltz was the original Marty McFly in one of my favorite films of all time "Back to the Future". Talk about a close call!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

"Enter The Void"

In case you haven't heard yet. Gasper Noe's new film. Looks tasty.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Loyal Subjects

Today, finally stopped by my buddies' offices down the block on Melrose, the guys behind the art-inspired vinyl toy company The Loyal Subjects. Here's a cross section of what these dudes make, here's the Sam Flores Kid Dragon toy..


Sam's Wyger toy..


Tokidoki hired these guys to produce the Karl Lagerfeld toy. Looks like the weirdo to me!


The new Buff Monster toy..


There's Adam..


The other half Jon Cathey is co-owner of Cultyard, essentially a curated art/lifestyle show within the NY Comic Con show, which is happening right now. There's the poster..
