Danny Lee Lives

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bobby Bottleservice!

In the latest The Hundreds video, we collaborated with Nick Kroll's classic character Bobby Bottleservice, who is the archetypal Affliction-wearing douchebag. Here, Bottleservice visits The Hundreds' office to provide style consultation!

Kroll first caught fire with this character in the Funny Or Die hit viral series The Ed Hardy Boyz. Here's the flagship episode I caught last year, and right away I wondered, why I hadn't thought of this!

Lastly, I'll be tuning in to see the World Premiere of "Nick Kroll: Thank You Very Cool” on Comedy Central debuting this Saturday, January 29 @ 10p. Nick's a really funny dude, very humble too. So support!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Coachella 2011 Lineup!

Also, come back as we get closer to get party information similar to the stuff I posted in '09!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Auteurs and iPhones


That's Park Chan-wook, acclaimed South Korean director of the classic psychological thriller "Old Boy". Here's one of my favorite scenes from the film..

Park is soon to unveil his new film "Paranmanjang", in English translated to "Ups and Downs". He's been publicizing the fact that the entire film was shot on a few iPhones 4. What!? Not surprising, it's an industry theme that's been bubbling for some time, using cell phone technology to shoot things, but until now it's mostly been documentaries. Park says they used external lenses, which I'm very curious how they rigged them, and that the entire process was just like any other film. Looking forward to checking this out. Read the article from the Wall Street Journal here.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kim Jong Il Looking At All Sorts of S**t!

Sorry for the long hiatus, but winter tends to shut down not only the town, but also our collective brains. To start the new year off, Kim Jong Il Looking At Things!


KJILAT is one of those sites that make you smile. Earlier today, I stumbled upon it, not 'stumbled upon'ed (the latest site to be used as a verb in our ever expanding modern lexicon), but found word-of-mouth. It's a collection of photos of the Dear Leader surveying random things, both living and inanimate.